C.L.A.S.S. 301
God didn’t design ministry for just the few with seminary degrees. At Macedonia every member of the church is a minister. This is what CLASS 301 is all about. Through the S.H.A.P.E. process, you’ll learn how God can use your Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality and Experience to minister to others in need.
The focus of CLASS 301 is to help you find your S.H.A.P.E.
S – Spiritual Gifts – Spiritual Gifts are special abilities God gave you when you started following Him. God gives us these gifts to build up our church family and reach out to the world with Christ’s love.
H – Heart – God gives each of us a unique passion for particular activities, subjects and circumstances. God uses those things we feel deeply about to show us where we can serve without quickly burning out.
A – Abilities – You have abilities, given to you before you accepted Christ, that God can use. Those abilities will help you in ministry.
P – Personality – God can use your personality. God can use all of us, whether we’re extroverts or introverts; whether we enjoy routine or variety.
E – Experiences – God has placed a multitude of experiences in your life to help mold you for ministry. God can use many of our experiences in our background to help heal hurts in our church and in our community.
By attending Class 301, determining your S.H.A.P.E., and meeting with a ministry guide, you will complete the discovery process for the way God has uniquely designed you to serve in ministry.
You must complete classes 101 & 201 before taking 301.